Thursday, October 16, 2008

Peer Review Recap, Part 2

Okay, so I used a Wetpaint wiki for the first time in my life. My initial impressions about this program are not favorable. If I never use Wetpaint again, it will be too soon. This time around I did not like the peer review because was not having a positive experience with Wetpaint. I was editing a classmates paper and chose to merge my changes with those of another student that was in the process of making changes. In the end every change that I'd made was erased! I was so mad because I had spent 30 minutes looking over this person's paper and adding comments. I definitely wish that I would have known about this. Also, whenever I edited in red the color kept defaulting back to black. That was irritating. I do like that we are able to view papers from other classes without having to receive an e-mail first. That was very convenient. I like Google Docs because it is familiar. Editing with Google Docs is like editing using the tracking feature in Microsoft Word. I have used tracking a great deal and like the feature. My vote in the future is for Google Docs.

Now, concerning my paper, I think I got the same kind of feedback that I received last time. The feedback I receive is always welcomed and much needed. One person that commented on my paper left very detailed advice. She left me with questions that I should ask myself throughout this writing process. I took this bit of advice from her and also suggested it to other classmates. After reading their papers I posed questions that I believed they should consider to help them shape their papers.

The two people that responded to my paper commented on everything that was on the screen. I am very satisfied with the comments I received and also the advice I gave.

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